Thursday, June 20, 2013

Long Time No See

Sorry for my absence. I thought it would be a breeze going back to school, working, raising a family, playing taxi cab to our many family events, and blogging. I sure did think WRONG! Scheduling is sometimes circus like, but we manage (not quite sure how, but we do).

I am getting all the basics down, but the extra things like blogging kind of fell by the wayside. My total lifestyle has changed since starting school. I was always feeding my family a healthy diet, but I now go for all organic, non G MO (genetically modified organisms), and no artificial colors. It had gotten a bit more costly in the beginning, but not so much now because we aren't buying all the other "stuff." I don't buy all the junk food (healthy) snacks. I know what to buy now.

I have become a green juice and smoothie aficionado. You just would not believe how much I feel better after I have my green drink. It did take some time getting used to drinking something green. I first had to start with drinking out of an opaque plastic cup just so I couldn't see what I was drinking. Now I'm a pro and I drink it from a clear glass jar. If I don't get it after a few days, I start getting achy and tired. That drink packs a powerful punch!

Going through this journey, I realized I truly need to downsize and purge. I went through so many aspects of life purging. My girls aren't too happy about some of it, but they will get over it. Here's the start of things and subscriptions we eliminated: housekeeper (twice a month), extended cable TV, Spotify, YogaDownload, and some unknown credit card subscription for an unknown service to a company that no longer exists. I am still working on purging everyone's closets and drawers. It is hard work, but is so liberating when complete. The end result is less clutter and more money in our pockets!

My next adventure has been exercising. I have never been a fan of exercising because it often brings on an asthma exacerbation. Therefore, no running or aerobics for me. I am a low key yoga or walking kind of Bayou Chica. My sister and I started a 30 Day Squat Challenge. Today is Day 8...a day of rest. The first few days were ROUGH. But by the fifth day, I am getting into it and enjoying it. I am seeing great results in just the past 7 days.

I'm off to visualize results then actually get some stuff done. Positive words of affirmation can do wonders for the soul.

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